Achachihua Viewpoint
You must know that in the region of Arequipa, 80% of travel agencies offer tours two days and one night in Chivay.
Thus 80% of the tourists sleep in the village of Chivay.
Chivay is in the Colca Valley and not in the Colca Canyon.
The Colca Valley is different from the Colca Canyon.
The Colca Canyon is located from the cross of the condor-Cabanaconde-Huambo-Majes
80% of tourists who purchase the tour in the city of Arequipa is the classic tour.
On day 1. - They leave the city of Arequipa and sleep in the Colca Valley in the village of Chivay or Yanque.
On day 2. - Visit the Colca Valley and the viewpoints and come to the Cross of the Condor (the beginning of the Colca Canyon).
Imagine .......... More than 100 cars and buses with many tourists in one place.
They all arrive at the same time.
But do not worry, the viewpoint of Achachihua is quite the opposite.
In the viewpoint of Achachihua no tourists
The viewpoint of Achachihua is more interesting than a cross of the condor, because from here you can see (the other side of the canon) Huaruro the waterfall, Oasis and other village within the canon of Colca.
The most important of this viewpoint is the direct contact with the Nature, tranquility, imagine being with friends, family and couples in a place without tourists with a magnificent view of the Colca Canyon
To reach the Achachihua viewpoint only need to walk 15 min. From our hostel in Cabanaconde.