Colca canyon trek map
In this Colca Canyon trek map, we explain the different trek options within the canyon.
We have designed different short and long treks, with few hours and many hours of trekking, depending on your physical condition.
We also explain where each trek begins: START TREKKING POINTS .
At our hotel you can obtain a more detailed trek map with a drawing and written explanations, with heights and distances.
In our hotel we provide you more information.
We can also reserve bungalows or home stay in the different villages of the Colca Canyon.
If you want to make your reservations before arriving in Cabanaconde, we have an office Arequipa city, especially to help you buy your bus, taxi or van tickets, and reserve nights inside the canyon. We also have maps in our office.
We are just at 4 blocks from the Arequipa`s main square on Jerusalen Street 400 AB-1
We are from Monday to Friday , from 9am to 1pm and from 3pm to 7pm.
Saturdays from 9am to 3pm.
Finally, make your own decision and don't let any hostel in Cabanaconde change your way of thinking.
However, for a long time , on the Internet and in travel books, they have changed and diverted the true essence of the trek into the canyon, saying that in some places there are more tourists than in others.
At first, they wanted to divert tourists from the most beautiful and most visited parts because to attract more tourists in other places the owners paid high commissions to the hostels that sent tourists to them.
And the worst thing is that they did not explain to them that this option was the most difficult and that to return they needed to rent a 4x4 that cost them a lot of money because they could no longer walk back because it seemed very difficult. There are no local buses or minibuses in these places.
So there is the big business, the hostel that sends tourists to the hardest and most difficult places, they get high commissions for sending tourists to those places. And if it seemed very difficult for you to return, then you call the man from the hostel who gave you the explanation and ask him... Rescue me please and with a 4x4 he rescues them the next day to return to Cabanaconde, and you do not know that this person also receives another commission for the service.
Is this help?
Is this encouraging new routes where tourists have to pay more and more?
The only thing they did with clients was manipulate them to make more and more money.
If you have read this and then made the trek without having been manipulated, then write on the Internet what you really feel and if you see that the guide book you bought also fell into deception, then write to the publisher.
That's what it's about to better inform the editor of the book.
From my humble opinion, go to the places you want according to your physical condition and do not be fooled by listening to merchants that in some place there are fewer or more tourists than others.

RED COLCA TRAIL.- Colca canyon trek 2 day, 1 night in oasis , start point of this trek (from San Miguel view point )
DAY 1: 3 hours trek down to San Juan de Chuccho, then one hour to Coshñirhua then two hours to oasis
DAY 2: Oasis Cabanaconde-3 -4 hours up hill
BLUE COLCA TRAIL. - Colca canyon trek 3 day, start point of this trek (from San Miguel view point )
This trek Is like the red trail but if you like to pass another night You need to add a night in Tapay village
DAY 1: 3 hours trek down to San Juan de Chuccho then one hour 30 min. more up hill to Tapay, over night here.
DAY 2: Trek down from Tapay to Malata one hour than 2 -3 hours to the Oasis down, night in Oasis
DAY 3: 3-4 hours trek up hill from Oasis to Cabanaconde
GREEN COLCA TRAIL.-: Colca canyon trek 1 day, start point of this trek (from Cejana Pata view point )
the short trek to the Oasis , this option is really very interesting because once you arrive in the Oasis you can also make a tour to the river and enjoin more the Oasis .
From Cabanaconde just 3 hours down and 3 hours uphill
THE BLACK COLCA TRAIL.- Alternative colca canyon trek 3 daysstart point of this trek (from Achachihua view point )
this is a very interesting trek and sure is more hard compared to the , red , green and blue Colca trail.
DAY 1.- From Cabanaconde to Llahuar is 4-5 hours trek down
DAY 2.- from llahuar to Oasis via Apacheta , 2 hours uphill and 2-3 hours flat and down
DAY 3: 3-4 hours trek up hill from Oasis to Cabanaconde
YELLOW COLCA TRAIL.- This is a very good option to see the Huaruro waterfall colca canyon 4 days trek in Colca canyon. start point of this trek (from Achachihua view point )
DAY 1.- From Cabanaconde to Llahuar is 4-5 hours trek down
DAY 2.- from llahuar to Fure via Apacheta , 2 hours uphill and 2 hours up to Fure village
DAY 3: 2 hours trek up hill and flat to Huaruro waterfall then come same way to Fure in one hour then 2 hours trek down to the Oasis.
DAY 4: 3-4 hours from Oasis to Cabanaconde
The question :
Why all the itineraries spend the last night in Oasis?
Because if you come back to Cabanaconde from Llahuar is 6-7 hours up hill
Because from San juan de Chuccho to Cabanaconde is 4 – 5 hours up hill
Yes is true from Oasis to Cabanaconde is the best way because you trek uphill only 3 hours to Cabanaconde and is more easy to comeback to Cabanaconde from Oasis.
And don't worry and don't fall for the other big lie that says that there are many people in the Oasis and that you can't enjoy nature.
That is a big lie.
1.-Because in this place there are more than 7 hostels, each with its respective pool and you have more options to choose from
2.-Each lodge has large green areas except one.
3.-It is the only place within the canyon that has excess water for the pools.
4.-It is the only place where you can explore the river in peace